Pros and Cons of Hiring MDAs

Pros and Cons of Hiring Medical Virtual Assistants

Every day, physicians face new challenges that result from the evolving medical industry. Many have turned to outsourced services such as medical distant assistants (MDAs) to help their practices deal with these changes. Before you jump on board, get to know the pros and cons of hiring MDAs. The Good 1. Lowered costs Running a…

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Signs Your Medical Practice Is in Trouble

Signs Your Medical Practice is in Trouble

Medical practices require effective systems and processes to manage and maintain. Any kinks that are not straightened out could result in burnout, patient dissatisfaction or worse, folding. Here are some signs your practice is in trouble and what you can do to avoid going under. Sign #1: Workflows are all over the place Your workflows…

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Common Outsourcing Questions by Physicians

Common Outsourcing Questions by Physicians

To the knowledgeable, outsourcing is the next big step towards better, value-driven healthcare. However, a substantial portion of medical professionals is not ready to start their own practice, much less subscribe to the trend of outsourcing. Such reservations stem from a lack of understanding, so we offer our own takes on some common outsourcing questions…

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Top Reasons Why Physicians Outsource

Top Reasons Why Physicians Outsource

Medical practices, like podiatry, have been struggling to keep up with the never-ending changes geared toward digital healthcare. Imposed use of electronic health records and increasing insurance verification requirements slow them down. These pain points barely skim the surface of the many reasons why physicians outsource. Outsourcing as a Cost-Cutting Tool The 2016 Deloitte Global…

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Reasons to Use Zoom for Medical Distant Assistants

Reasons to Use Zoom for Medical Virtual Assistants

Technological advancements in healthcare can be daunting but telecommunication has slowly become part of the day-to-day operations of some organizations. Take for example a Phoenix-based hospital that has utilized Zoom to expedite their systems and processes. With its proven functionality and integrity, you would want to explore the possibility of applying Zoom for medical distant…

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Systems Failure Equals Death: Why Systems and Processes in Your Practice Matter

Systems Failure Equals Death: Why Systems and Processes in Your Practice Matter

Several organ systems comprise the human body. Altogether, they drive the many physiological processes that keep the body running. Much like our own bodies, medical practices need functional systems and processes to exist and thrive. Medical practice management does not differ from managing a business. In order to succeed, physicians must keep their practice’s cogs…

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